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Do you use more than one box of paper for your printing every month? If your answer is yes, then it’s worth getting a print audit carried out.

‘So how much will that cost?’ you ask. A fair question. And the answer is: It’ll cost you nothing. EMS Copiers will do the print audit for you for free, without any obligation.

You’ll also get an Amazon Fire 7” Tablet with our compliments.

Are you wondering what the catch is? There isn’t one.

Why get a print audit?

First, why should you get a print audit? Well, do you know how much your printing is costing you every month?

Printing is one of the main hidden costs in business today. Many organizations have no idea of their printing costs. The costs are often spread across a number of departments, so it’s hard to work out the total print costs. Or it’s assumed that they’re not worth bothering about.

So, back to the question: how much is your printing costing you?

You can find out by giving EMS Copiers a call and arranging a time for us to do the audit. We will give you detailed information on the total cost of your printing and copying.

There is no obligation with our print audit, however, we find that even if print costs are not your main focus right now this is a great way for us to introduce ourselves and our services to your business.  Once we’ve determined your volumes and spend on consumables (toner), we can provide you with the most cost-effective and streamlined Managed Print Solution for your needs.

 Up to 50% cost reduction

In brief, we could help you reduce your printing costs. In some cases, it has been possible to cut costs by up to 50%.

 EMS Copiers have been advising the business and education sector for over 40 years, so we know our stuff – or, as the business cliché goes, we have proven expertise.

For a limited time, we’re offering a free Amazon Fire 7” Tablet (8GB) along with the free print audit.

So, if you use more than one box of paper per month, give us a call – while we’re still offering the free Amazon Fire 7” Tablet!

To get in touch, call Kate on 1890 770 770 or 085 7020480, or email

Ian McLoughlin, EMS Copiers pictured with Michael O’Leary who was a guest speaker  at the Naas Rugby Club business lunch recently.

What is a Free Print Audit and why do I need one?


One of the main hidden costs in business today is the cost of printing.  For almost every organisation printing is an essential part of office life, and printing costs can easily spiral.

Many organizations still choose to ignore this area. One reason for this is because very often companies do not fully realise how much they actually spend on document output. Often costs are spread across several departments making it difficult to track and provide an audit trail of print costs. This compared with multiple brands and models of printers further compounds the problem.

One major misconception is to invest in laser and inkjet printers at a low capital cost.  This is a common mistake and false economy as the overall running cost is seldom taken into account.

A Free Print Audit from EMS Copiers will provide detailed and accurate information on the total cost of ownership from existing printing and copying devices.  Put simply once your volumes and spend on consumables (toner) is determined we can help you reduce costs – up to 50% in some cases! As well as being cost effective we can maximise the return on your investment, and reduce wastage and lower environmental impact.

Our strategy is very simple:

  • What are the volumes being generated on all devices?
  • What is being spent each month on printing?
  • Which devices are used most frequently?
  • We will conclude the most cost effective and streamlined Managed Print Solution for your print infrastructure

We have been advising the business and education sector for over 40 years.  Our team of experts can examine your business processes and tailor a solution to suit YOUR business – A good guideline is that if your company uses more than one box of paper per month a free, no obligation Print Audit will be a worthwhile exercise. And for a limited time only, we are offering you a FREE Amazon Fire 7” Tablet with your free print audit. Get a FREE Amazon Fire 7” Tablet with 8GB with Your Free Print Audit. T&C Apply

 Contact us for more information.

Call Kate on 1890 770 770 – Mobile: 085 7020480 or Email:

EMS Copiers, Sales team Ben Connolly, Ian McLoughlin, John O’Brien, Seamus McGrath and Craig Kinsella pictured celebrating Ireland’s 2-0 victory over Bosnia & Herzegovina at the European Championship Qualifier this week.  Also great to get a selfie with the wonderful Stephanie Roche.

Multifunctioal Printer

Are you looking for a multifunctional printer?
Look no further than the number one provider to the Irish and UK market!

EMS Copiers have been reducing printing costs since the 1970’s and we have established an impeccable reputation across many sectors, such as the commercial and educational sector.

Why do people keep coming to EMS Copiers for printers, photocopiers and multifunctional printers?

That’s easy! We believe in simple things and those simple things are quality equipment and quality service to all our customers.  Key research has found that an average company will spend approximately 3% of its turnover on printing costs! This is crazy right? Yes it is, and we think so to! EMS Copiers can help you reduce your printing costs and increase your productivity!

Why should you buy a multifunctional printer?

The advantages of buying a multifunction printer are endless!

  1. The first one is convenience; the multifunction device offers you so many features that you may not have had should you have just bought one device. No need to buy a printer/photocopier or fax machine as its all included in the multifunctional device.
  2. In addition to this, you will also have so much more space available in the office, as all your needs are fulfilled and rolled up into one beautiful device.
  3. Cost savings: You only need to purchase one device and not multiple machines, thus saving you money.
  4. Power Savings: As mentioned above, you only need one device and one cord to power that multifunctional device. This reduces cable congestion and also lowers the electricity required to run the device.
  5. SCANNING! Not one of those flat-bed put a page in and go and make a cup of tea scanners – with the automatic document processor facility you scan documents quickly and efficiently in a variety of formats to either e-mail or folder – and all scanning is in colour, whether your device can print in colour or not! This facility can revolutionise your archiving/back up procedures.

That’s not all EMS Copiers provide, we also offer a wide range of:

  • Colour Photocopiers & Printers
  • B&W Photocopiers & Printers
  • Colour Multifunctional Machines
  • B&W Multifunctional Machines

We take the time to get to know you and your company. This enables us to evaluate the best possible options for you and most importantly help you reduce your printing costs!  We have the perfect printer, photocopier or multifunctional printer for you and are standing by waiting for your call! Call now on 1890770770.

Are you considering buying or renting a printer or copier? Contact us today we will be happy to help.


EMS Copiers have been helping companies save money for over 40 years. Our experienced and knowledgeable team are happy to help.  We provide a free, no obligation print audit, and this will quickly and efficiently determine the most efficient and cost effective plan for your company, that will fit in with your business processes and importantly grow with your company.

After a difficult few years and unstable economic climate many SME’s can now look forward and plan to expand and grow their business. For many this means they can now consider upgrading their infrastructure and hardware and invest in new printers and copiers.  The next step – to decide upon purchase or rental. EMS Copiers can help you make the right choice for your organisation.

Up until now many business owners deemed it too early in the economic recovery process to outlay capital expenditure on printers and copiers. From a finance aspect rental has become a more attractive option as there is no capital outlay.  From a budgeting and forward planning perspective rental allows for fixed monthly or quarterly payments over a number of years.

  • Avoid Capital Outlay
  • Fixed Monthly/Quarterly Payments
  • More Flexibility – Upgrade as you need to

As part of the rental option EMS Copiers Managed Print Solution offers the customer maintenance, service and consumables in one invoice. This also makes tracking costs much easier for the Accounts department.