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Latest News from EMS

The EMS team are delighted to have made the finalist list for the SME of the year category at the upcoming Kildare Chamber Business Awards 2017.

The winners will be announced at the prestigious Awards Gala in the 5 Star Resort, The K Club on the 17th November.

Pictured below: John Cahill, MD EMS Copiers receiving first prize trophy at the Kildare Chamber Annual Golf outing at the K Club.  Fantastic venue and really enjoyable day out.

Bottom left: Great weekend at Mondello Park! Well done to the lads at #Team 109. Looking forward to Brands Hatch now in two weeks time for the final BSB round.

EMS Copiers are proud to be involved in the WorldSkills Competition being held in  held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates in October 2017.

WorldSkills is the global hub for skills excellence and development. Through international cooperation and development between industry, government, organizations, and institutions, World Skills promotes the benefits of and need for skilled professionals through community projects, skill competitions, and knowledge exchange. It shows how important skills education and training is for youth, industries and society by challenging young professionals around the world to become the best in the skill of their choice. For more information on the World Skills go to

Last year, when competing in São Paulo, Brazil, Team Ireland took home 2 gold medals, 8 medallions of excellence and an 11th place ranking overall in what was the 43rd ?World Skills Competition. The two gold medals were awarded to Alina Sile for Restaurant Service and Ros Wynne for Aircraft Technology. The 8 Medallions of Excellence were awarded for beauty therapy, joinery, electrical installation, joinery, cabinet making, automobile technology, plumbing, plastering and dry wall, and construction metal work.

EMS Copiers would like to wish all 14 competitors, experts and team management the very best in this year’s event, the 44th WorldSkills Competition which will be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates between October 14th and October 19th.


from l-r: John Twohig (CIT, Technical Delegate and Chairperson of IrelandSkills), John Cahill (Managing Director, EMS Copiers), John Cassidy (WWETB, Deputy Technical Delegate and Secretary)

EMS has a wealth of experience when it comes to providing smart printing solutions to the Education sector.  We are familiar with types of issues schools and colleges encounter and have the expertise to implement a secure, efficient, cost effective print environment through our hardware, software and excellent service.

  • Pull printing for staff and students
  • Accountability and reporting of printing, copying, scanning and faxing at all levels
  • ‘Rules Based Printing’ to allow cost and device control
  • Department and billing codes for internal or external charging
  • Central document storage of coursework workbooks and common forms or letters
  • Connection to SIMS
  • Document scanning and workflow with Optical Character Recognition
  • Easy language selection at the device control panel
  • Pay for print – Cash or cashless
  • ID cards or Biometric device authentication
  • Connect to two networks, for example, a ‘learning [student]’ domain and an ‘Admin [staff]’ domain.



For almost 50 years we have heard and helped with many print problems and challenges business owners encounter.  Through our industry expertise we have found that by taking the time to visit an organisation and look into the business processes, the layout of the office and of course the print/copy output, we can recommend a tailored, cost effective print solution to fit the business needs and budget.

One of the dilemmas we encounter  is the decision between printing in house and outsourcing to a third party.  Typical questions are: Which one is right for the business? How can I produce and print what I what when I want in a cost effective way?

Most SME’s now have their own dedicated marketing department and are responsible for producing professional flyers and brochures. Marketing budgets can be limited and require a printing solution that won’t compromise on quality.

EMS have a wide range of cost-effective in-house print solutions available, with functionalities and features that were previously only available in professional production machines and with the ability to print on a wide variety of paper types and sizes.

EMS also offer a unique tiered colour billing system – put simply our system calculates the amount of colour you actually use per page so you only pay for the colour you use!

While to some organisations outsourcing appears to be a relatively inexpensive, cost effective hassle free way to manage print, it often brings several challenges:

  • Lack of control – in terms of meeting deadlines and last minute changes to the job. By printing in house you can customize, add special effects your brochures and flyers. Avoiding additional charges and potential delays.
  • Security – Sending mailshots – any company regardless of the size or sector has to avoid data breaches and ensure data outsourced for print is sent, stored and managed in a secure compliant manner.  Data security on MFPs and in the network is gaining in significance. Our systems offer comprehensive support in answering today’s growing demands.  The solution range from UTAX addresses all levels, from local security features at system level right through to guaranteeing extensive network protection. Whether it’s standard integrated security solutions or customised, upgradeable security packages, UTAX  devices from EMS is your safe choice for copying, printing, scanning and faxing data.
  • Cost Effective – Outsourcing your print requirements can be a false economy as there are often many hidden costs. Print technology has progressed immensely in recent years, this means that businesses can produce large or small volumes of high-quality material, when they need it in their own office space eliminating the need for set up fees.  By arranging a print consultation with EMS we will quickly and efficiently determine your current print running costs, evaluate how cost affective your print environment is and through our range of top quality hardware and software recommend a tailored solution that suits your business.

If you would like to speak with one of the EMS team or arrange for a site visit so that we can pass on our recommendations and pricing options we would love to hear from you. – LoCall 1890 770 770 –

Pictured at Mondello Park recently some of the EMS team doing their best to keep on the tracks!  A really fantastic team day out and a big thanks to the guys at Mondello for looking after us all so well!

EMS Copiers were delighted to host The Tallaght Headmasters Golf outing in Citywest Hotel recently. Congratulations to the winner Paul Crone, Old Bawn Community School, receiving first prize from John O’Brien, Sales Manager