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Latest News from EMS

GDPR Aware?
The date for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fast approaching, 25th May 2018. GDPR will affect any organisation that stores personal data, this is defined as anything from a name, photo, bank details, email address. To assist organisations prepare and address upcoming GDPR compliance requirements, organisations may need to employ one or more different encryption methods within both on-premise and cloud environments. EMS is offering document management and data security solutions to minimise potential regulation breaches in the areas of printer security and data management.

Is your printer vulnerable?
Office printers and MFPs used in today’s organisations have progressed from the basic devices previously used.  Most are now networked assets, similar to a PC, contain a screen, a keyboard, and a hard drive, which can store sensitive information.

Networked printers and MFP’s are often not considered when it comes to  security measures.  However, these devices store and process data, and as intelligent devices have the same security vulnerabilities as any other networked device. With increased cybercriminal activity, networked office printers and MFP’s are now a focus in the battle against corporate information theft and malicious attack. Printers, if not properly safeguarded have certain vulnerabilities that if exploited, can allow attackers to breach a business’ network.


The UTAX Data Security Kit from EMS ensures the protection of your confidential information, right at the system level:

  • it overwrites and encrypts copying, scanning and printing data, even before they are saved to the hard drive.
  • In addition, the memory area for the output data is automatically deleted so that the data cannot be restored.


How can I protect my sensitive data and become more compliant?

For the majority of organisations, implementing a document management solution is likely to be  one of the most straightforward and cost effective ways to  protect your documents.  GDPR  requirements are not overly complex, the main points to remember are that any personal data stored will need to be accurate, quickly and easily accessed and kept up to date.

An automated approach to storing documents will move towards replacing outdated filing systems and alleviate incidents of “missing” sensitive documents. By integrating a document management system  for scanning documents, you can transfer paper-based documents and to an electronic file quickly, easily and securely.

EMS in partnership with Filestream offer OfficioDM Pro, document management software that encrypts documents making your data more compliant.  The software can run on the client server or can be hosted in the Cloud.  The software is roles based, meaning that you can give access to the people who only need to see it.

For more information or a chat with one of our Consultants – contact LoCall 1890 770 770 or email

EMS are at stands J1/J2 at this year’s IPPN Education Conference, Citywest Hotel, Dublin.  Always an enjoyable and extremely well organised event in a fantastic venue and a chance to catch up with old friends and acquaintances and of course make new ones.

Drop by and meet our team, enjoy some of our excellent coffee, or enjoy a glass of wine with us.

Come along and see our 3D printer in action, and don’t forget to enter our FREE draw and be in with a chance of winning one of 3 OfficioDM Virtual Cabinets contracts to secure your student and staff data.

Paul Day, Filestream is on the stand and will be happy to demo OfficioDM Pro, document management software offered by EMS to help schools, colleges and businesses become more data compliant in light of imminent GDPR regulations that will be enforced on the 25th May 2018.

If you are not attending the conference and would like to receive more information about OfficioDM Pro or have a chat with the team, Contact Us on LoCall: 1890 770 770 or email

The looming general data protection regulation has implications for all organisations. EMS Copiers has formed a partnership with with Filestream and now offer document encryption software to help your data more compliant . To find out more, take a look at our recent article in the Sunday Business Post – LoCall 1890 770 770

The Managed Print Solutions team at EMS have worked with the Education sector for many years.  This Case Study explains how our experienced Managed Print team worked with The Divine Word National School to implement a cost effective, secure and efficient system.

The Divine Word National School serves the parish of Marley Grange, Dublin and its surrounding areas. It is a mainstream, co-educational school catering for pupils aged 4-12.

Background Information

The school had a mix of several different types of equipment on site.  Managing the toners, consumables and servicing for aging equipment had become time consuming.

The Challenge

Divine Word National School required a tailored solution that would cover  new low cost equipment for the school.  They wanted to be able to manage the cost in a clear accountable monthly cost, to cover all toner requirements, all consumables required, plus onsite service and maintenance for any mechanical issues that could arise. In addition they wanted to be able to give each teacher an individual log in for printing and copying to help manage costs even further.

Pictured below: Paul Conroy, MPS Team, EMS Copiers with John Williams, Principal, Divine Word National School

The Solution

EMS Managed Print Services team implemented a solution for the school that included 4 Multi functional colour machines and 1 high volume mono Multi functional machine. Each piece of equipment had the potential to copy, print, scan and fax.  EMS also supplied the school with Aqrate software system, which allowed teachers to draw down their prints from any machines anywhere within the building, with their own unique code. In addition the software moved any potentially sensitive information away from the physical machine to the secured on-site server.

The Result

The school now has the most up to date equipment spread across its site. The solution provided one fixed quarterly cost to cover the hardware and a standard click for colour and mono prints that covered all toner usage, consumables and an on-site service contract to cover any other eventualities.

Contact our Managed Print Team on LoCall: 1890 770 770 – – emscopiers/contact-us


EMS are proud to sponsor Killian Heffernan who is playing in the BDO World Youth Championship Final today in The Lakeside, Surrey UK. The event will be aired live on Channel 4 and BT Sport today at 12:05.  Killian is playing against Justin Van Tergouw from the Netherlands in the final, who is the current World Champion.